Education & Training

Education and training seminars are an integral component of our organizational development services. Divisions may request the design of a specialized seminar or choose from an existing module to meet their organization’s unique workforce. We offer effective, high quality seminars on various workplace and life issues. These interactive, practical, and informative seminars utilize a variety of learning strategies which may involve individual or group exercises, case studies, or facilitated discussions. We encourage employees to explore the seminars we offer to further their individual growth and development.

To schedule a training, simply click on the button below. Please indicate in your email the Department of Law and Public Safety Division where you or your family member is employed and a telephone number where you can be contacted.

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Behavioral Health

In the media, our workplace, and our communities, we are bombarded with psychological terms:  Depression, Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, Panic Attacks, Anorexia, Bulimia, DSMIV, and Chemical Dependency.  Have you ever wondered what all these terms really mean?  Many of us are conscientious about our physical health and monitor our weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.  But, do we do the same when it comes to caring for our psychological health?  In this seminar, you will learn how to assess your mental health and well-being.  We will also discuss resources available in your community and how to select a therapist.

Communication in the Workplace

Some of the most important things we do in the workplace, regardless of our job title, include: coordinating actions, sharing information, and expressing thoughts and feelings.  Communication is a critical part of every job but few of us receive formal training to help us communicate effectively.  Learn what some of the most common barriers to communication are and how to avoid these pitfalls in your workplace.  The payoff can be mutually trusting two way communication that leads to greater job satisfaction.

Conflict Resolution

Inevitably we encounter conflict in our working and personal life, yet so many of us remain uncomfortable with it.  In fact, any issue to which we have an emotional attachment can be an area for conflict.  In this session, we will look at the dynamics of conflict, styles of conflict management, and a model of conflict resolution.  Come and learn how you can be more effective in resolving conflict in your workplace.

The Grieving Process

Grief is not business as usual.  It is a jagged process that involves emotional disorganization and moving through a series of phases until the loss is ultimately accepted and integrated into one's life experience.  We experience grief physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  However, all of us have our own styles of grieving which is influenced by such factors as our age, gender, and cultural background.  There is no right or wrong way to grieve.  In this seminar, we will discuss the phases of grief and the path to emotional recovery.

Personality Inventory

All individuals have a constellation of character traits that make up their personalities.  In fact, our personality plays a major role in how we communicate, what we value, and how we experience the world around us.  This seminar will present an overview of personality types as defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  We will look at how each type is different and valuable in the contribution they make to the workplace.

Stress Maintenance

Life has become increasingly complex and demanding as we attempt to juggle the multiple roles and demands of our work and personal life.  We feel we have no time.  Yet, we continue to take on more tasks and live our lives in the fast lane.  This seminar will take a look at how we create stress and how we can learn to maintain the level of stress in our lives.

Work and Family Balance

The key to establishing work and family balance is in defining success for yourself and establishing healthy boundaries.  The first step in achieving this is identifying your values and priorities and examining whether or not these values and priorities are reflected in your daily activity schedule.  In this seminar, we will look at how we sabotage ourselves and identify some strategies for achieving the unthinkable in our busy lives - BALANCE.

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